Does Filler Ever Fully Go Away? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to dermal fillers, there are many factors that determine how long they last. Learn more about how long different types of fillers last and how to ensure natural results.

Does Filler Ever Fully Go Away? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to dermal fillers, the answer to the question 'Does filler ever fully go away?' is not a simple one. It really depends on the type of filler used, the quantity injected, and the metabolic rate of the individual. Most of the time, HA-based fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane last between 6 to 18 months, while Sculptra can last up to 2 years. Hyaluronic acid fillers contain hyaluronic acid that dissolves over time, so regular treatments are necessary to maintain results.

If migration occurs and the dermal filler is in the wrong compartment, it may take several months or years to degrade sufficiently. The longevity of the filling also depends on how demanding the person is. Regular maintenance ensures that the filling lasts and continues to look prominent, with little or no fluctuation in its appearance. Lip fillers tend to last only three to six months, while tear fillers can last longer than five years.

Hyaluronic acid fillers can last from three months to more than two years. If you want to see lasting effects when it comes to filling, it's important to work with a qualified injector and get more filler. Applying makeup or blowing your nose is unlikely to drastically reverse injectables. To dissolve existing lip fillers before injecting more, an enzyme called hyaluronidase is injected.

Hyaluronidase occurs naturally in the body and this is why lip fillers eventually dissolve on their own. We suggest that you only consider receiving dermal filler treatment at an accredited medical clinic that has a team of highly trained and experienced aesthetic doctors and nurses. Over the past few decades, dermal fillers have become a popular non-surgical method for improving the lips, face, cheeks, and brow area. To get started with your first dermal filler or make adjustments to your post-refill appearance, make an appointment with Beauty Boost Med Spa. Unfortunately, in today's industry, some dermal fillers used are known to cause some problems for months or years after treatment. The most commonly used dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a natural compound that aids in the production of collagen and elastin. New York-based cosmetic facial plastic surgeon Michelle Yagoda told HuffPost that once the filler disappears (whether the body absorbs it again or dissolves it by a doctor), it leaves an enlarged space that requires more filling over time to stay inflated.

Essentially, over time, the padding stretches and weighs the skin, meaning it needs more padding with each doctor visit. He also warns his patients who have developed a lump above the lip so that injectable fillers dissolve before further filler injections. He warns that the Cosmetic Medicine industry can be driven purely by money and profit making, which can result in patients being unconsciously coerced into receiving more dermal filler treatments. To ensure natural results and avoid any potential risks associated with dermal fillers, make sure you work with a qualified injector and get regular maintenance treatments at an accredited medical clinic.